riitta sinkkonen davies handweaving at the loom


Riitta’s work can also be found in various galleries and exhibitions both in Britain and abroad. She gives lectures and runs workshops in various locations around the country, as well as on a residential basis from her home in Pembrokeshire. Her workshop is open for visitors during the summer and by appointment at other times.

In addition to many private commissions, Riitta has been involved in recreating historic fabrics for a number of museums including the Jorvik Viking Centre in York, the Shakespeare Birth-Place Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon and the National Trust’s Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre in Suffolk. In 2003 she was also commissioned to weave the fine linen fabric used to make the rochet worn by Rowan Williams during his ordination as Archbishop of Canterbury.

In 2000 Riitta was a recipient of the Theo Moorman Trust Award.